N.Sh. " Akt - Consulting "

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N.Sh. " Akt - Consulting "
Bill Klinton ,13/2-2 Priština
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Raeunovodstveni i knjigovodstveni poslovi i poslovi kontrole
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Dyqani i Pavarur Tregtar "Dreni" Ekrem Bytyqi
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Dyqan i Pavarur Zejtar Xhamprerës,,TALI"
N.SH. " Ari "
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N.Sh. " Akt - Consulting "

Bill Klinton ,13/2-2 Priština Kosovo
Posetioci našeg sajta su ocenili ovu firmu na sledeći način. 0.00 od 5 na osnovu 1 ocena

Well you wanted to l

od 5 zvezdica
Ocenio: Mapami - 2015-11-27 08:32:29

Well you wanted to live in a Burgess novel; who could know it would end up being "The Wanting Seed"?This-that-and-the-other-fellow Derangement is a nauartl outgrowth of the FuehrerPrinkip we voted for when the Constitution expired and the Imperial Presidency succeeded it. Now that it's silly to think about solving problems through representative politics, we rush back and forth from Leader to Leader (still sounds better in German, I think) in an ever more enthusiastic hope that we'll find The Right Man to perfect our callow schemes. Bush 43 entered office a humbler sort, but he was, after all, a big government man, and events (and his public) thrust greatness up him. Presidents exist now only to be sacred scapegoats. No one expects serious deliberation in the Congress; we disagree with policy by cartooning the Great Leader, mocking him(/her!), scandalizing (not hard to do, given the network of influence needed to support such an edifice), and gossiping over peccadilloes. Then the moon changes, and we tear into the next one, like so many ruddy Hollywood starlets.If it weren't for Jefferson v. Adams and Burr v. Hamilton, I'd say we'd lost touch with the Founders' vision. And you whippersnappers haven't even seen derangement until you've met FDR syndrome. Which I have got.

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